Real people

Reading time: 2 mins I was working at home the last couple of days, mainly research and planning (which now means I fully understand the tasks ahead of me for a particular project and it’s now scaring the heebie jeebies outta me!!), and it’s always a bit odd slipping back into the stream of commuters and co-workers. It’s akin […]

The Gentleman Stalker

Reading time: < 1 min Ladies, a question. You are walking alone at night, you are on a fairly quiet street, it’s well lit, and cars go by every minute. A man is walking about 20 feet behind you, and has been since you turned down the corner into this street. Now, if I’m that man (I’m not saying I’m […]


Reading time: < 1 min (Who is it that uses that word? Hmmm) Permalinks are wonky. Not sure how long they have been like this, but obviously no-one links to MY postings or someone would’ve pointed it out long before now… right… RIGHT? Will fix em later. Off in huff now.


Reading time: < 1 min You’re unique, right? I’m mean there is only one Gordon McLean on the planet, right? RIGHT? Wrong. OK so I knew that, as amazingly unique as I am (and BOY am I ever unique) that somewhere there would be another Gordon McLean. However it is a bit weird (or spooky as my Mother would say) […]

Mobile Sister

Reading time: < 1 min My new phone seems to have sparked my sister into getting a new one too (Sony indeed! and here I thought she was a poor student). However unlike my good self, who, in an excited ‘I’ve just got a new phone’ mood, sent a few text messages to friends and family to tell them I […]

Scaredy Cat

Reading time: < 1 min Went out on my bike today, we live at the top of a big hill, so going down it is fun. Actually going down it is downright dangerous and scary. At one point I thought I was going to fall off as I realised I was going too fast for the roundabout at the bottom. […]