bookmark_borderDo I REALLY sound like that?

In an effort to compile a list of what I consider to be the best posts of this blog, and yes such things are highly subjective I know, I spent some time perusing my archives last night.

It’s an odd experience, as I found myself re-living a lot of my past via this strange yet familiar narrator. For, you see, I don’t actually talk like wot I write, y’ken? Hmm I don’t talk like that either mind you… although I do say “och aye” more than I realised, much to the amusement of a colleage of mine from New Zealand.

Of course this isn’t such a surprise as no-one really talks the way they write, nor sings the way they speak, but I did catch myself wondering if I really did write what I was reading. Which is both odd and comfortably flattering at the same time.

I guess this comes down to that old “people don’t see you the way YOU see you” thing, where, as the name suggests, other people don’t see you the way you see yourself, and their opinion of you isn’t swayed by your own internal insecurities, unlike your own.

There are far too many commas in that last sentence, this is another thing I’ve noticed and which litters my archives like dog turds on a cycling path, consistently terrible punctuation. What of the semi-colon? Honestly, as someone who writes for a living I am shamed. Of course there isn’t much call for personal writing in the midst of a technical manual so maybe I have a small get-out clause?

Yes, browsing your own archives is both enlightening and informing in many ways. I recently commented, on another site, about why I leave my entire archives in place rather than removing the nonsense, or starting over completely. The simple reason is that they remind me of how this blog started and how much it has improved. Looking back to the first year or two of this blog I’m still surprised that anyone visited at all, let alone returned more than once. Zip forward to 2007 and the stats continually surprise me. Hundreds of you visit every day, and then come back again, and again. I may not get the most visitors and I may not get the most comments, but I have to admit to a quiet satisfaction that, for the main part, my visitors and their comments are of a consistently high standard. Thanks you guys.

Stepping back to take a new view of something is always intriguing, regardless of the subject matter. Everyone has a different viewpoint, a different point of approach, a new angle. Given the recent round of news in the blogosphere regarding “codes of conduct”, self regulation and so on, this is something worth considering. I’m happy to be disagreed with, I’m happy to be proven wrong, I’m happy for people to voice their dissent in the strongest terms but my comment policy stands. I enjoy reading comments from people with a different point of view, no matter how opposed. I’m always willing to learn from others, so if I say Black is White, please feel free to disagree with me (and yes, I know Black and White aren’t colours).

I’m not going to tackle that topic though, others have been before me and most of the ground has been covered. I will point you to the new Blog Advisory System though, it seems to be very accurate.

Whoa, bit off-track (there is another post in this, about how the fact my miniblog refuses to work is effecting how and what I write here in the main posts) now, were was I?

It has, and continues to be, an education to read through my own archives. I don’t have that great a memory, with a lot of the stuff I post here largely being posted as a method of NOT having to remember it, so it’s an excellent way to re-acquaint myself with my own content. I am intrigued to know how everyone else keeps track of such things, are you all as disorganised as I am? Or do you remember what you wrote?

Do you read through your own archives from time to time, or just search them when you have a vague memory of possibly, maybe, posting about a particular topic in the past?

How do YOU use your own archives?


Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a quick trip round (half of) my blogroll (ermmm that sounds kinda icky actually…)

Graybo is still painting and drinking (not at the same time I hasten to add)
Pat believes in coincidence and has an affection for ZZ Top (?)
Michelle has a new feature and it’s good to see the little dead girl back… I think..
Julie is hot, and is looking forward to her new bed
Alex doesn’t blame Broadcast, and doesn’t like warm overpriced Carling (who does?)
Nigel has a go at a company (which I can’t say anything about as they are customers of ours! Eek!
Moi is back already (see previous post)
Scotblog is spot on at the moment – 1-1 with New Zealand! Sheesh!
Becca has a sore head but at least she knows where her pens are now
Owen is still busy (and may be relegated to non blogroll soon – you have been warned! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Richard is dreaming of Peter and Caitlin, and watching politics
Simon makes me glad I’ve already had dinner – although he might be right
Pinky teaches us to write porn, always a useful skill if you ask me
Lyle has stopped yakking about trains but is worried about his knees
Is Etceterate on holiday this week?
Eliza is still taking tests and her group blog is doing well
Caitlin is worried about the inspect of her flat and has just finished His Dark Materials
Green Fairy and I have something in common – tattoos

Sorry that’s it for now. I’m pooped and I’ve got a night out tomorrow and I don’t want to end up being the ‘old man’ going home at 11 p.m after a few beers.

The weekend looms near
It’s only Thursday lunchtime and already I’m thinking about the weekend. Friday night will see a quick trip to the pub to see off a work colleague who is leaving and heading off to New Zealand (good luck Heather!). We are ‘baby-sitting’ our niece and nephew (who are 13 and 16 respectively and would HATE it if they found out that I’d just called it baby-sitting ;-), which will probably entail a trip to the cinema. No doubt Christopher will want to see either Daredevil or Jackass. With the latter being an 18 I’m a tad wary but he is a sensible kid, and much more mature than I was at his age, hmmm we’ll see. Joanne and Louise can go off and see some chick-flick (probably that J-Lo one), and no doubt Chris and I will end up on the PS2 until the wee small hours.

I also want to get the ‘office’ at home sorted out, and fit the new remote control light switches we picked up last weekend, add in the rugby, F1 and the closing of the weekend with 24 and it looks like being a fairly packed weekend.

Better make sure I get an early night tonight.