
Started writing again. Been several months since I opened my head and let a little spill out. Might not be pretty, but again, I don’t do this site for you dear reader, I do it for me. True I could write it all down, and keep it to myself, but having been through what I’ve been through, if reading something here helps someone, anyone, in anyway then it’ll have been justified.

I did consider a switch to EOD style humour (BTW EOD is RIP…LOL) but I’m just not that funny, he’ll be sadly missed.


OK, own up, someone somewhere must’ve linked to my site on Tuesday last week – 70 visits in one day – I think that is a record for this humble little place. Whoever it was, thanks! Drop me a line so I know who you are… of course if it wasn’t a link/mention somewhere then thanks to all of you for dropping by, hope you enjoyed the ‘experience’… LOL


Was planning on getting to bed early. Forgot to wash my footie stuff from last night…dammit, dammit, dammit.
I’m in an unusually crap, narky mood this evening. Not sure why, although I could pitch a few hundred reasons, I think I’m just in a crap mood because I want to be in one.

Sounds odd, but to be honest I’ve gone through the reasons (the usual ones, and any others I can grasp at) and none really hold enough sway. Mind you I’ve been getting pissed off at myself recently. Need to develop some more integrity. I get the feeling that I’m gonna need it soon, depending what happens I may have to stick to my principles rather than take the easy option. Hopefully someone out there kinda gets what I mean, I’m not sure I do.

Actually I know someone gets it, we’ve been talking about it on and off for a while, so that person knows where I’m coming from…DAMN it’s hard to write this stuff and preserve anonymity…LOL

bookmark_borderDesigner? moi?

CSS Madness spreading the word as requested. Although I’m guessing that most folks that visit here will also visit there.

Oh and thanks for the email six, one thing I hate more than a designer that is better than me, is a modest designer who is better than me…LOL


Bulger email details posted. Feel free to send me your comments.

Have started to recode the site – shouldn’t be any obvious changes as I’m trying to make sure it is as cross-browser as possible (toying with getting rid of the frames, but that’s too big a job for the moment…). Also added new permalinks in case I every say anything THAT interesting… LOL.

bookmark_borderJealous? Never

Happy Birthday Gran!

Yikes it’s December on Friday, and as I live with a Crimbo Nutter that means our tree will be going up (Yes I know the whole 2 weeks before thing…). Still it does mean that a holiday is in sight, but as I’ve just pulled together a list of documents I need to write/update/complete then I’m getting a tad worried.

Got an email from SinOz (her new nic whether she likes it or not…) it included a pic of her standing in her new outdoor jacuzzi, I think the temperature is about 34 degrees there. Am I jealous… no of course not! (ohhh and don’t worry Steph I did notice any of the ‘bits’ you mentioned… LOL)