Weeks and weeks of lies and devious activity are over! (well, for now).
My soul feels much cleaner now, and my poor simple brain is much happier as it’s not having to filter every single conversation for THINGS I MUSTN’T MENTION. Such is the burden of organising a surprise party, which is what my sister and I managed to do yesterday to help my Mum and Dad celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary.
It all started several weeks ago… a crafty plan was drawn up, invites were designed, with an accompanying set of instructions – DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE – Aunties were pressganged into action, helping bake cakes, and setting out a veritable feast of diabetic inducing deliciousness. Decorations were delivered elsewhere, requests for additional chairs were sent out by carrier pigeon and, whilst Jennie and I whisked my parents off for a nice lunch (both as part of the celebration, and to give the 30-odd people a chance to sneak into the back garden whilst we were gone) the Aunties and Uncles leapt into action, setting up chairs, laying out food, decorating the house and generally doing most of the hard work for us.
And my parents didn’t have a clue!
The rest of the day was a bit of blur, fizzy stuff was popped, wine was quaffed, tea and coffee runs were made and no matter how hard we all tried we just couldn’t eat all the cakes and nibbles that were laid out. Suffice to say the day was a huge success.
And I’m not organising another one for at least 10 years.
Hooray and well done!
And what would you charge to do something similar for my parents’ 50th in just over two weeks time?
Congratulations to your parents.
And congratulations to all involved for pulling it off!
Graybo – I think I speak for my sister here as well when I say that we’d comfortably outprice ourselves for that job!
Congratulations to your mum and dad! Well done for organising the party too!
Hmm. I’ve got 2p, some fluff and a paper clip. Enough?
Thanks Peggy and BIG THANK YOU Gordon.
bit of a late response here but I can agree with the lying and making sure I didn’t spill anything. I live with them so lies have been spilling out my mouth for months, got quite good at it, do you think there is a job in it?
Anyway well done us and think I have put on few pounds eating all the leftover cakes and tray bakes!
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