Clear yer cache

Please do not adjust your set, and please forgive any further tweaks as we go along.

The non-feed readers know what I’m talking about, the rest of you leeches are stuck wondering what this is all about, well, never fear, just click here!

Yeah, I’ve spruced up here.

And here.

Here as well.

Ohh and here too.


Well, primarily because it’s about time. Other than that, I’ve got a few more eyes on here due to the whole ‘bloggers with book deals’ thing (hey andre!) and thought my empire of sites could do with a bit of spit and polish.

Whaddya think?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Photo of me and quote from the article

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Six Thousand

1 year at Allied


yeah baby! lookin’ goooooooood all over!

asta says:

A lovely example of less is more.

Very nice – I’m impressed. πŸ™‚

And yet… no, not sure I’m liking the banner area anymore, seems unbalanced or something… meh.

I like the logo/title.

Very Nice.
Apart from the Google ads, of course πŸ˜‰

Beautiful redesigns, Gordon – lots of white space and minimalism – particualrly on onemanwrites and your ‘name’ site. Superb.

Hmmm this place still needs some work. Too much light grey, and that banner is really bugging me.. expect some changes this evening.

Ta for the compliments though. Mucho appreciato.

Me likey. You’re a star.

as asta said ‘less is more’.

and you is a wizard.

A few minor changes (moved the search box, re-aligned the banner) and I’m a much happier bunny.

Thanks again for the kind comments.

Hmmmm…. while I agree fully that less is more, and white space is good, I’m not sure the big blank bit in the top left corner is really doing it for me.

It also bugs me that you’re “First Time” line wraps by just one word.

Don’t want to be too negative though. The other 98% of the design is up to your usual enviably-impeccable standard.

The “First Time” line doesn’t wrap for me, running at 1024 using Firefox…

The “Previously” line does but that will fluctuate..

As for the top left space… yeah it’s something I’m toying with, the banner is now (text) aligned to the main column, centring it looked weird…

Funnily enough, bugger all else changed, a new banner and colours and suddenly I have more white space… who knew.

I am liking the unified logos a hell of a lot.

Excellent work dude, what are your rates like? πŸ™‚

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