I’ve been ripping some more CDs to my PC recently, and thanks to an iTunes smartlist I can confirm that today I will mostly be, randomly, listening to tracks from the following albums:
- Joni Mitchell – Blue and The Hissing of Summer Lawns
- Iron Maiden – Best of the Beast
- Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
- Gorillaz – Demon Days
- Dusty Springfield – Greatest Hits (which doesn’t have “Spooky” on it, blasphemy!)
- Jamiroquai – Dynamite
- Dizzy Gillespie – Essentials Masters of Jazz (a compilation)
- Eurythmics – Greatest Hits
- Phil Collins – Greatet Hits (err… not ripped for me, for my in-laws, honest!)
- Howlin’ Wolf – Howlin’ Wolf
- Antony & the Johnsons – I am a Bird Now
- Aerosmith – Just Push Play and Nine Lives
- James – Laid
- Vitalic – OK Cowboy
- Blur – Parklife and The Great Escape
- Talking Heads – Once in a Lifetime
- Kings of Convenience – Riot on an Empty Street
- Roísín Murphy – Ruby Blue
- Stevie Wonder – Talking Book
- The Magic Numbers – The Magic Numbers
- Röyskopp – The Understanding
- Interpol – Turn on the Bright Lights
- Bob Dylan – Best of…
Blimey, that was a longer list than I thought it would be, should be an eclectically interesting day. I’ve listened to some of these ages (years) ago, others are brand new (why don’t ALL CDs come with that little pull tab to help get the cellophane off?), but having spent all day re-listening to “The Seahorses – Do It Yourself” I’ve been feeling a tad nostalgic.
Now, there’s a great album. Whatever happened to The Seahorses?
Editor’s note: I should really link all these through my Amazon Associate and see if I can earn more than the £1.43 I already have in the past three years… but that’s an awful lot of work. We’ll see if I get the time later… in the meantime, if you DO decide to buy one of the above, any chance you could just paypal me 30p or so? Ta. DONE. And of course you can check I’m being true to my word.