
Reading time: < 1 min The RSPCA have released figures stating that the number (recorded) of abused animals is rising. In light of recent events I’m prompted to call up various comments along the lines of “if it were people there wouldn’t be such a hoohaa about it”. But why is that? Is it simply the “it’ll never happen to […]

Summer Burn 2005

Reading time: < 1 min Just for the record, here’s my playlist for this years Summer Burn CD swap. Whaddya think? The B52’s : Love Shack The Beach Boys : Sloop John B Bran Van 3000. : Drinking in L.A. Chungking : Come With Me The Kinks : Sunny Afternoon Luke Vibert : Slipped Disc Jill Scott : Spring Summer […]

Right, where were we??

Reading time: < 1 min Ahhh yes, I have a holiday in Torquay to waffle on about. But first a quick thanks for the well wishes for my Dad. He’s doing fine, and quite possibly is enjoying everyone running around after him just a little TOO much.. perhaps.. I’ll make sure he gets all your messages, they’ll be much appreciated […]

Home again, home again…

Reading time: < 1 min Writing this entry from my parents’ house. So, back from sunny Devon where we had a glorious time. Thoughts, photos and whatnot will follow in a couple of days. What did we miss whilst we were away? My sister graduated and can now add the letters B.A. after her name, dead chuffed and very proud […]

Constantly Diverse

Reading time: 4 mins Prompted by this discussion about typography on the web and having been working through the archives here (still to finish) I’ve come to a ground breaking, earth shattering conclusion. No, seriously… If you are interested in my take on web design issues, read on. If not… er… come back later (but DO come back!).


Reading time: 2 mins I discovered Picasa a while back, and since then I’ve been using it fairly regularly to control my photos (quite easy as I take so few these days). The greatest thing about Picasa is it’s price – completely free. Those nice people at Google bought out the company last year and whether you are now […]