Chocolate Deity

Reading time: < 1 min I lay no claim to have created any of this, it was snagged from a round of emails at work. Names withheld to protect the innocent (well to provide anonymity, innocence is the LAST thing these guys and gals can claim!): A list of sweeties based on religious leaders : Lollipope Dalai La-marshmallows Popal Fruits […]


Reading time: 2 mins (One of the dangers of writing posts when you are zombie-tired is making mistakes. Lyle has pointed one out, and I’ve subtly corrected it… read on) Been a bit of a funny day. I’ve romped through some work, in particular one document that has been giving me a real headache suddenly *CLICKED* into place, THEN […]


Reading time: < 1 min What’s the LAST thing you want to hear when you’ve gone to the loo, just sat down and … er … started… The bloody fire alarm!! (Certainly speeds up the process mind you!)

Ready for my closeup

Reading time: 3 mins How this came about. An email pops into my inbox. A lady at the BBC would like to speak to me about an upcoming item for Radio Scotland. Me? Really? Finally! I’ve been found, plucked from the masses to be elevated to the higher echelons of society. It’s art you see, well the “Arts Show” […]

Tit on the radio

Reading time: < 1 min Radio Scotland Arts Show So yes, I was on the radio. LAST Tuesday. I only found this out today after emailing the researcher who had neglected to tell me when it would be broadcast. So, apologies to any new visitors who have come and expected me to be talking about ‘being on the radio’. It’s […]

It's just not cricket!

Reading time: < 1 min So the Beeb have tracked down the man who made Rusedski swear (and gone to some trouble to do it as well). Mr. Zilionis (for it was he) has been living in the UK for 10 years. Obviously he hasn’t quite grasped the culture properly. Every good Englishman knows (so I’m told) that if you […]