bookmark_borderMoney matters

Awaiting two more quotes for the new boiler installation. Both from local companies, one of which Scottish Gas would’ve subcontracted anyway. Both of them have suggested the boiler can be placed in the loft with a remote control unit (wireless) sited anywhere we want. It felt much better dealing with the people who will actually be doing the work rather than a salesman. Here’s hoping the prices are a bit cheaper.

However I’m not holding out. Grade A Condensing boilers will be mandatory in about 9 months time so there’s little point in us taking an old style combi-boiler. This is why the quotes have been so high. I think.

And I’m off to the IFA today to see about remortgaging. Our three year fixed rate period is up in August and I’m sure we can get a better deal and free up a little more cash. Considering I’ve not had a pay rise in two and a bit years and unlikely to get one in the foreseeable future, anything we can save now is almost double the money… if you follow my (somewhat flawed) logic.


Diet hell. Louise gets her bridesmaid dress in a couple of weeks. Cue frantic last minute dieting and exercise regime which I’ll be forced to participate in (not a bad thing I guess).

Mole hell. Appointment tomorrow to see if I can get a mole removed from my back. It’s constantly catching on things and has started to bleed occasionally.

Remortgage hell. Our fixed rate period ends in August, so I’ll be off to our IFA to see about remortgaging.

Central heating hell. More quotes this week.

In other, good, news. Probably off to see Spiderman 2 tonight and it IS a lovely sunny day. Think I’ll go sit in the garden and read a book.