Attention Deficit.. Thingy

Reading time: 2 mins Stuck. Paused. Diverted. I have a couple of new projects to work on, a couple of projects that are stuck at the “hard bits” (both in theory and in workload) and I’m managing to avoid them all at the moment. Filling my time researching, taking care of other small tasks. I’m partway through “Getting Things […]


Reading time: 2 mins It’s been a while since I added Technorati tagging to my posts, has anyone used them? Found them helpful? I’m hoping they are providing a few good pointers to other related posts and so saving me the hassle of finding and posting the links myself, thus giving me a CBATG meets Technorati = web-based lifehack […]

Business Idea

Reading time: < 1 min I see a lot of things online that I would like to purchase. Unfortunately a lot of them (increasingly so) are in the US, and I’ll be honest and say that I’m not going to pay almost the same again for the postage of an item. So here’s the idea – club together with other […]


Reading time: < 1 min I’m rattling through my To-Do list for today, and I remember a comment I saw in the HaloScan forums last night. Jeevan pointed out that HaloScan had, justifiably, been nominated and I started to wonder how many of the Bloggies nominees used HaloScan. That lead me to ponder which blogging tool was the most popular […]