One Minute

Reading time: < 1 min My current role is changing a bit, with some additional responsibilities being added, specifically around line management. As such, I’ve been reading The One Minute Manager and have to admit it’s given me a lot to think about. The basic principles are to instill any team members or staff with a simple structure in which […]

The Black Album by Hanif Kureishi

Reading time: 2 mins Part of me thinks I’ve read The Buddha of Suburbia, part of me doubts it very much, and a quiet part of me, which knows better, points out that it was probably White Teeth by Zadie Smith or the unending London Fields by Martin Amis. The comparison is all I’m looking for which is particularly […]

The latest thing

Reading time: < 1 min I’m terribly guilty of starting things but never finishing them, and Tuesday prompted me into action once more. With all the best will in the world I just know that I’ll use the Goodreads website avidly for a few weeks and then my interest will be grabbed by someth… ohh shiny!! I am an online, […]

Book Lull

Reading time: < 1 min Teetering tall and shamed, the pile remains dust covered and untouched. A reminder of best efforts and failed endeavours, a totem of willing words, waiting to be uncovered. And my parents added another two books to the top of it last week. Gah!! I dare not count them for, not only would the number be […]

Healing the Curse of Knowledge

Reading time: 2 mins Last year I read the book Made to Stick, in which the phrase “The Curse of Knowledge” makes an appearance. The authors of the book will be delighted to know that the phrase stuck in my head and I can be heard applying it in all sorts of scenarios. The principle is quite simple: Once […]

A Message for Obama (pt. 2)

Reading time: < 1 min In early November I took a photo of myself holding a short message for the ‘soon to be President’ Barack Obama. It was as part of a Flickr group which I thought was a nice idea and which seemed to capture the mood at the time. I mentioned it here and, to be honest, thought […]