Blog Etiquette*

Reading time: 3 mins Prompted by this comment thread over at troubled-diva, which started when mike revealed, according to his recent site survey, that “By far the strongest currency in blogging is inter-blog linking, be it on a main post, a linklog post or a blogroll” and that “Comment-whoring doesn’t work!” I, amongst others, was slightly taken aback by […]


Reading time: < 1 min Apparently I’m classed as “prolific”. Well from three separate emails I’ve received over the past couple of days that seems to be the perception. How do I manage it? You ask (well three of you did). Well I’ve given the matter some thought, examined my processes and ideas and come to one simple conclusion. I’ve […]


Reading time: < 1 min Lynn has left us (last week people, DO keep up) and the blogging world is sad. I’ve swapped postcards with her and despite my insistence that her name was Michelle on more than one occasion, she was always kind, helpful and just a lovely fuzzily warm person. I wish her well. In a completely unrelated […]


Reading time: 3 mins I read an article on singer/songwriter Jimmy Webb on Saturday, in which he said: “Music, for me, has always been the medicine for some of the unpleasant things that happen in life,” he says. “And when we feel bad, we like to know that someone else understands where we’re at, that it’s not some isolated […]

In my place

Reading time: < 1 min Oh crap, it’s Monday morning. Already. Today will be an exercise in self-control. Having had only about 4 hours sleep I’ll be attempting NOT to make sarcastic comments to any of my co-workers, and to stay awake at least until lunchtime. I had planned to discuss Derren Brown and whether his latest tv show is […]

Hear me blog!

Reading time: 3 mins As someone else somewhere recently commented (can’t remember who or where, sorry!) blogging can be said to be like “shouting into a very large hole in the ground”. I only mention that particular metaphor as it’s a fairly accurate description when you consider the core problem with those new to the blog world – scale. […]