Six by Nico: Disney

Reading time: 4 mins What a year it’s been at Six by Nico, and what a way to finish out 2017. So popular was their announcement of their ‘Disney’ menu that their website and booking system crashed, and they’ve had to open up on a Monday to cope with demand. I was glad we book well in advance (roll […]

Gig: Gorillaz

Reading time: 2 mins Now and then I buy a ticket for a gig in the hope that it’s at least ok, and whilst I’ve been a fan of Gorillaz since their first album they are the type of band that blip on and off my musical radar, so my expectations weren’t too high as we waited for them […]

November in review

Reading time: 2 mins Lived Highlights Review: Loop and Scoop (finally!) Review: Potluck (again, finally!) The magical Slava’s Snowshow The wonderful iPhone X Royal Blood blew the roof off the Hydro Gorillaz did it again a few nights later (review to follow) Scotland ALMOST beat the All Blacks But we beat Australia!! A busy month that has flown in, […]