A few weeks ago Scott, from the always relevant DMN Communications blog asked me if I’d be interested in writing a guest post.
I immediately said yes then, after a short pause, I set the expectation that I wouldn’t be able to write one for a few weeks as I was coming to the end of a project.
So, last week I finished off my guest post and I’m now waiting, somewhat nervously, to see how it will be received. The post goes live on Wednesday, so not long left to find out.
It’s quite liberating, writing a blog post for another website (not done that for years), and it sparked a few ideas for this place as well. You’ll start to see some of those soon.
Thanks to Scott for the opportunity, and keep your eyes peeled to the DMN Communications blog on Wednesday.
Hallo Gordon, I await your guest post with bated breath 🙂 I did one for the DMN Communication blog just recently, and had similar feelings of liberation and of nervousness awaiting my post’s appearance. “She’ll be right, mate”, as they say here down under.
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