I’ll write up my thoughts in more detail but suffice to say that, as per usual, my mind is racing with a million on one possibilities. Conferences are a good thing, even if you aren’t a position to change things it’s good to talk to other people in your profession, to find out that most of your problems are things they are experiencing as well and that there are always new ideas coming along.
Stand out sessions today were from Joe Welinske and Sonia Fuga. The former touched on some ideas we have already discussed at my workplace (the idea of focussing our efforts on the key topics, to the detriment of others – aka not documenting EVERYTHING), the latter because it’s a very smart use of existing technology, taking some simple ideas and making something very powerful. Clever stuff all round.
As I said, I’ll write up my notes from the entire conference over the weekend, but just wanted to capture the current “conference buzz” I have, although I hope it dies down soon as I need to get some sleep!
Ohh and finally a quick hello to those of you who are visiting after spotting this humble blog mentioned in the Cherryleaf newsletter. Hello!