I should…

… mention the whole “Act of Union” thing, give my view of it as a Scotsman, and whether or not I think it should be changed.

… discuss the documentary on Margaret Mead that was on BBC4 last night (part 1 of 3 of a series on anthropology).

… point out that the Brits are fast becoming a farce and I really don’t care who is nominated today (although I’ll still want to know).

… be trying to source some new music. I was asked on Sunday if I’ve been listening to anything new and for the first time in ages I had to say no.

… be contacting Sky and finding out why they charged me an extra thirty quid last month.

… be continuing to work on this site.

… have something else to say, ANYTHING else to say.


I’m not. I won’t. I have no inclination to bother.

This is mainly as I’m still adjusting my ‘schedule’ to my new job. This is mainly because I’m getting home completely wiped out. This is also because I’m still trying to get rid of this feckin’ cold.

And, of course, this means that tomorrow (or more likely later today) I’ll have several flashes of inspiration. Funny how that works.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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What kind of music do you currently listen to? I can’t imagine I’ll be of any help, but I can try…

I get most of my new stuff after checking Pitchfork and Stylus websites, occasionally skim NME, and… well that’s about it really.

Everything from rock, pop, hip hop, to classical, folk and dance.

Hmm. Well, in the folky vein, I currently love James Yorkston (accompanied or not by The Athletes); Damien Jurado; Fionn Regan and Micah P. Hinson if you’re after someone a little more gravelly.

Pandora.com and last.fm are also fairly useful.

I’ve been using last.fm for years (snowgoon on there) and dip into Pandora now and then, probably not enough to be useful though.

James Yorkston I like, Fionn Regan I think I’ve heard some of but wasn’t hugely impressed, but will check out those suggestions.


Pandora has helped me find a load of stuff that I hadn’t previously known about. Once you’ve taught it about your tastes, it’s pretty good at making recommendations.

There’s also a version of it that now sends info to last.fm too.

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