
Saturday morning, and a new coffee house in Hamilton. Nice and spacious, classy decor and an interesting menu. Unfortunately the coffee wasn’t up to much and the slice of apple pie that we shared was dry and spongey. Back to our regular haunt, Crema, next time.

A wander round the shops, some shocking treatment in one of them, and then onto Morrisons for a “basic pantry” shop. We do one of these every couple of months so I don’t mind the £95 or so we spend, especially as it featured a few bottles of wine.

Home and we spent the afternoon pottering around, before I headed upstairs to do some work. Couple of games of football later and it was bedtime… for Louise. I finally made it to bed at 2a.m. only to wake up an hour or so later with something in my eye. Most odd. Standing, bleary eyed, in the bathroom with the light on, squinting into a mirror when you are still half-asleep is no fun at all.

Today we headed ‘down the valley’ and filled the car with plants and bark chippings (500kg litres worth for £20), then spent the afternoon cutting, wedding, digging, raking, and finally planting. Not everything got planted though, most of it was for a bed that we haven’t yet cut out of the lawn…

We also had a surprise visit from my parents. Unfortunately it was because my Gran has picked up an infection and wasn’t feeling too good (I’ll spare you gory details), but she’s OK now and the doctor confirmed it’s just a virus and antibiotics should help clear it up. At her age 87 (?) any infection or illness can be a major thing, so I’m glad she’s OK.

My sister didn’t accompany them as she was recovering having been at Rock Ness yesterday. Didn’t get back in until 5am but I’m sure she had a great time!

You know it’s amazing how much the weather dictates things in Scotland. If it hadn’t been as nice as we’d have ended up pretty bored this weekend. Or maybe we’d have finally gotten to the cinema.. grand plans and all that.

Anyway, can’t dawdle here. More work to do, and hopefully a better footie match this evening and the rather boring affair this afternoon.

What about you? What you been up to?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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