Rubber service

I’ve just witnessed a blatant display of sexism, it’s quite shocking when you see these things up close, especially as, being a middle-aged middle-class white male, there are few “-isms” that can be used against me (for isn’t that the true definition of an -ism, an aspect of yourself that others use against you??) and no I’m not counting “you-fat-bastard-ism”.

Anyway, one of my chores today was to get a tyre fixed for the car. Looked like a simple puncture, so on my wife’s recommendation, I took it up to a place near her office which she had used previously. Small, local run (cheap!) and great service she said. Excellent, I thought.

I dropped the tyre off and said I’d be back in about an hour as I had to run some errands. “No problem” he said. An hour later I returned and the tyre was fixed and ready for me all for the princely sum of £8. Great, I thought.

However Louise had mentioned that when she had last used the garage they had put the newly fixed tyre back on the car. And they did. FOR HER! I got a “Cheers mate” and bugger all else. Should I report them for their obviously sexist customer services??

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I couldn’t manage it my own or anything, it’s just that my nails are all dirty now…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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