
If, like me, you struggle to keep a track of this snippet of information, that website, the quote you wanted to use, the thought that prompted a post or article, then may I suggest (and if you are using Firefox as your main browser) you install the Scrapbook extension. Once installed you can start it from the Tools menu.

It allows you to capture either URLs, snippets of websites or entire web pages. It probably does more than that, to be honest, but I’ve only been using it for a few hours (since this afternoon) and I’m already blown away. It’s just SO DARN USEFUL!

Now, how would you do this in Internet Explorer??

SITE NOTE: With thanks to Lyle and David for their helpful suggestions I’ve managed to implement a stylesheet switcher. It’s over their on the left. Not a huge choice at the moment but I was concentrating on getting it working first before worrying too much about the actual “style”. Cheers for your help guys, turns out that I’m a numpty and forgot to give the correct directory path to the CSS files (David I’d started with the ALA PHP switcher and went back to it and spotted my mistook). Suggestions for ‘new’ styles are welcomed.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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