Twuntage: Take 2

They did phone.

The engineer will be out on Wednesday to fix the problem. You see somehow the ‘switch’ lost our details. So if you rang our number, it rang. Just not at our end. The engineer requested the details from the ‘switch’ and found it was blank (presumably except for our telephone number) so had to get that remedied before they can fix the fault that was there all along, between the box in the street and the phone socket in our house.

If you understand what I just typed, please explain it to me, as it reads awfully like: You had a problem, we spent a few hours faffing around. You still have the problem. We will fix the problem on Wednesday.

Mind you, at least the customer service woman said that compensation would be offered, saved me having to throw a hissy fit (but as I’ve not had one for ages I felt kinda cheated).

Anyway, bugger this – I was going to talk about favicons, discussions in comment boxes and highbrow ‘web’ stuff like that but I can’t be arsed. Got me Horlicks, I’m off to bed.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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