Not worthy

Reading time: < 1 min I’ve neglected you all today and I feel bad. Actually I couldn’t care less as I’ve got a headache and I’m off to bed, but it’s nice to pretend. Suffice to say that “real life” got in the road of my blog again. Ohh and I may have left a few ‘snippy’ comments around, so […]


Reading time: < 1 min (via Fembat) ‘The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.’ – Robert Frost Should I mention I’m working at home today?


Reading time: < 1 min (OK, second attempt to post this, first one disappeared into the ether) Most of my news, as regular readers will know, comes from the behemoth that is the BBC News website. The only reason I mention this is to confirm that I visit it a lot. OK, agreed? So you’ll understand that the following item […]


Reading time: < 1 min OK, so WHY can’t I get the text after an unordered list to display properly… Why! WHY!!! *stamps feet, throw toys from perambulator etc etc* Err… fixed now… hacked in some paragraph tags… *Meekly picks up toys and clambers back into perambulator* Ohh and, I’ve revealed an answer below…..