A reminder

Reading time: < 1 min Buy Nothing Day – November 29th 2003. I’m pretty sure I can do this, as tomorrow will mainly involve sleeping in, then picking up our youngest niece and nephew, and ..er.. (Lyle, look away now) … putting up our Christmas Tree and decorations. And before anyone says anything, I live with a woman whose whole […]

As seen in…

Reading time: < 1 min All over the interwebnet this one, but I like this article, and more specifically some of the comments after it (I would stop after the first 20 or so comments as they degenerate into the usual childish flaming): Emancipating Hard Drives. Favourite Comment: “I perceive Los Angeles County as discriminatory. Please remove it from itself.”

Better Content

Reading time: < 1 min One advantage of not really having much time to write about anything means that I can take great pleasure in pointing you to some choice pieces written by others. For example: I was a prepubescent hooker – A must read if you don’t really ‘get’ rugby.Things that happen in 1000-acre woods – because I got […]

In from the start

Reading time: < 1 min It’s not often you find out (thanks Izb) about a brand new blog (only two posts so far) but as we used to work with her I guess it was insider knowledge… Is it home time yet? – Scottish woman quits job to travel……runs out of cash, and discovers the joy of contracting.