
A word of warning to Meg. It was -7C this morning. Mind you I guess that Anna is keeping her sister up-to-date.

In other news… ehh… hang on. There isn’t any. Ohh I did manage to finally buy a snazzy new shirt for our company Xmas do on Friday although I will have to venture out to buy some cufflinks tonight (late night shopping.. .yeuch). I do have some cufflinks but they are gold and as my suit is dark grey and the shirt is a mixture of blues, well even my iffy fashion sense tells me I should have silver cufflinks (and of course when I say silver I mean, plated, or whatever you can get for under ร‚ยฃ10, tis the season to be skint).

See how easy this ‘blogging’ malarky is (damn that Jamie Oliver and his ‘malarky’), I bought a shirt and managed to waffle on for several lines, and I didn’t even cover my trip to Safeway… although whilst I’m on the topic – if you are a store manager, when would be the best time to reorganise the booze aisle? What’s that you say? The week before Christmas? Are you sure? Wouldn’t this make your regular customers a little confused? And..

[We interrupt this post due to a terminal lack of interest in, what appears to be, a very dull and boring life. Move along please. There’s nothing to see here.].

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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