The Book Title Meme

Reading time: 4 mins Don’t let the title put you off, this is no ordinary meme. Firstly, and for a change, I know who started it, but most of all this meme requires a fair amount of pondering and no small amount of writing – after all, you’ll be trying to match up to a published author! Enough of […]


Reading time: 2 mins Unlike Route 66 and the N17, no-one has ever written a song about the M74, but there is time for that to change. With the news that the proposed extension of the “motorway that goes nowhere” is to be built, and naturally that a variety of protest groups are up in arms at the decision […]


Reading time: < 1 min Thanks to the Metro (the internet; printed) for making my morning already. Page 3 features a nice photo of the new Dove soap ladies. Real women and twice as sexy as any anorexic Annie. Page 17 has a look at the latest from Marks and Sparks modelled by the number ONE lady on my “list”, […]

If… Then… Else…

Reading time: < 1 min Every now and then I get to this stage. I’ve got several priority ‘things’ (all from different sources, some professional, some not) and they are all fighting for space in my head. There is stuff I need to think about at home, stuff I need to think about for work, even stuff I WANT to […]