iTunes 8

Reading time: 2 mins I know a lot of you bemoan the fact it grabs huge chunks of memory, and that it has the audacity to organise your music into folders for you. I know this but, as I run on a nice chunky PC with plenty of memory and I don’t really care WHERE my music is stored […]

Usability sucks

Reading time: 2 mins I’m getting royally fedup with a lot of what I read that is written in the name of usability. Maybe it’s just a personal loathing of the overly academic, or perhaps I lean towards simplicity a little too heavily but SHEESH, some of the better known experts can’t half prattle on… I’m a member of […]

Minor randomness

Reading time: 2 mins If you are squeamish when it comes to the whole “burning metal” “eye” “doctor” “clamps” type thing (the “eye” bit especially) then do NOT go and read Alan’s latest posts. Well do, obviously, cos they are well writ. But I’ll fully admit that I can’t read the last two paragraphs of part three of his […]

What is my culture?

Reading time: 2 mins There is a long rambling post that refuses to tumble out of my head. It’s centred around how what I digest forms my own “micro-culture”, and whether the fact that I don’t really identify with any single “macro-culture” means that I’m cultureless? Gosh, doesn’t that sound like something awfully twee and if I were to […]

A brief interlude

Reading time: 2 mins What I WANT to write: Because I’m hot, tired and fucking grumpy. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure, but what is with the ‘bash brigade’? Some things are popular for a reason. You aren’t expected to like it but it doesn’t make you smart, or clever, or even much fun if all you seem to […]

An Oggy Oggy Pasty

Reading time: 2 mins A lot of blogs are filled to bursting with rants and moans about this company or that product. So today, by way of change, I thought I’d bring you a success story which, as the title suggests, is about The Oggy Oggy Pasty Company, specifically about their branch in Glasgow. Why? Because the staff are […]