
Reading time: < 1 min Worked at home today, been glued to this chair for about the last 6 hours without fully realising, at least that was until I turned my head to answer the phone. OWW! Anyway, I always end up feeling decidely cut off when I work at home. Which is why I do it, obviously, for the […]


Reading time: 2 mins The Brit Awards have rolled around again and somehow the best single of the past twenty five years it Angels by Robbie Williams (as voted by Radio 2 listeners which I think says more about them than the state of pop music). I sincerely hope that is NOT the legacy we are offering our children! […]

T in the Park

Reading time: 6 mins My feet hurt! Having spent the past two days, wandering round a field, stumbling over tonnes of discarded plastic pint glasses, inhaling enough second-hand hits to keep me high for a week, and only once almost kicking over someone’s line of coke… I have to declare that – T in the Park was fucking excellent. […]

T in the Park #11

Reading time: < 1 min Doesn’t seem like two weeks ago that I started to bore you all silly with this… dammit, hang on a second… (The only thing about sharing iTunes with my wife is the ‘shuffle’ mode which seems to prefer Wham! tracks to anything else). Right, where was I? Ohh yes, firstly big thanks to everyone who […]

Music to..??

Reading time: < 1 min There’s a lot of music being discussed over at Troubled Diva and it’s made me ponder… what am I missing? Currently I think Akufen (from a mate a work) is high up my ‘now’ playlist, but I still find myself going back to older albums, in fact I think the newest album that I listen […]


Reading time: < 1 min Plugged in for most of today, yesterday, day before, so Audioscrobbler is my main source of ‘fun’ at the moment (how sad is that?). Have to agree with the point made by Prol and Chris that it’s very “alt-rock” heavy at the moment (I’m probably not helping mind you…). Here’s what Chris said: Make an […]