Damned lies and stats

Reading time: 3 mins Blogging malaise? Pah, easily solved. Check your stats! Except it’s not always that easy. Personally I’ve been using Extreme Tracking for quite a while now, but it’s not that reliable as it seems my “hit count” is always lower there than anywhere else. The Sitemeter site appears to be dead – although I’m sure I […]

MySQL Help

Reading time: < 1 min OK, techie request time people. Those of a non-technical, anti-acronym mindset should look away now. I think I’m getting hacked. Well not here, Scottish Blogs. The Scottish Blogs site uses a MySQL database to store the member details. The submission form calls a separate PHP page which does a little checking (to make sure duplicate […]

Grayscale this

Reading time: < 1 min One for the Lazyweb methinks. Is there an EASY (non-coder) way to make all images that appear in a DIV, grayscale? PHP is the preferred langauge and you can presume access to the GD Library is available on the server. Note: I’m aware that IE users can utilise CSS for this but that’s not what […]


Reading time: < 1 min Right, I’m pretty sure one of you clever types will be able to point me in the direction of a solution, preferably PHP or Javascript based. What I’m trying to do is treat an image, and an associated block of HTML (text) as one block. I’d like to be able to swap blocks depending on […]


Reading time: < 1 min If, like me, you struggle to keep a track of this snippet of information, that website, the quote you wanted to use, the thought that prompted a post or article, then may I suggest (and if you are using Firefox as your main browser) you install the Scrapbook extension. Once installed you can start it […]


Reading time: < 1 min Anyone done any work with Wikis? I’m quite like the WordPress Wiki. I’ve had a look at DokuWiki but it seems, despite being aimed at creating documentation, a tad techie in outlook. Not necessarily a bad thing but I need something that doesn’t involve a lot of reading to get it up and running (Yeah […]