Got TED?

Reading time: < 1 min Have you heard of the TED conference? (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design) No? It’s been going a while now, and got started back in 1984 …out of the observation by Richard Saul Wurman of a powerful convergence between Technology, Entertainment and Design. The first TED included demos of the newly released Macintosh computer and […]

Recently Read

Reading time: 2 mins Been a while since I did one of these and, as ever, they reflect some of the things that have caught my eye over the past week or so. A couple of things on DITA which have me rethinking my approach towards it, and a some links to posts discussing … welll community, social media, […]

The Big Picture

Reading time: 2 mins Deliverables are dead. Long live multi-format, anytime, anywhere delivery of information! The more I think about it, the more I am beginning to see that creating content, writing and styling and planning, for “print” is no longer valid. Quick caveat: Know your audience and the requirements. Many places mandate printed documentation in one format or […]

Why AuthorIT?

Reading time: 3 mins As I mentioned before, we are planning to migrate content from FrameMaker to AuthorIT, staging the migration across two different product sets (and no small amount of time!). I’m in the process of evaluating AuthorIT for, despite having used it before, it has recently been overhauled with a spiffy new UI and some new features. […]

Dreaming of dreams

Reading time: < 1 min I had a lucid dream the other morning. Louise had gotten up early and I dozed off again to grab a final 15 mins in bed. When I say dozed off, I really mean that I was vaguely aware of her alarm going off before nodding back off some seconds later. Nanoseconds that is… When […]

State of the Union

Reading time: 2 mins Some council workers got sacked because they spent too much time on the internet (eBay in particular). Apparently this isn’t really their fault, with Union officials blaming bosses for “putting temptation in their way” – by allowing access to the internet. Now, I’ve never had access to, or worked within an organisation that has, a […]