I was in Edinburghertown

Reading time: 2 mins I’m alive! Speaking of which, who sings that song? The one in the Five Alive advert with the Dodo? Anyone? CBATG… Having been and went and done Edinburgh on Sunday, I had planned to write up some blog posts but, alas, I’m old now and an entire day drinking takes an undue toll and leaves […]

Lessons learned

Reading time: 2 mins It’s all go at McLean Mansions but that’s nothing new for the first week in May with my sister celebrating her birthday on the 5th and my sister-in-law celebrating hers on the 7th. Of course that means presents and nice meals in restaurants, so we were out for dinner on Monday evening, and we’re back […]

Floored (plus other items of note)

Reading time: 2 mins I’m lying on the bed, laptop perched on a tray, watching TV. It’s a little tricky to type because I’ve got a cut on the middle finger of my left hand, and my arms and hands are sore. Why? Laminate flooring. Previously the laminate flooring ran from the hallway through to the kitchen, it’s a […]

Regress my tech

Reading time: 2 mins Danah Boyd has been reflecting on her long lost handwriting skills. “My ability to communicate without editing has decayed. My patience for creating text at a rate slower than I think has decayed.” Are we getting lazy? Are we too reliant on technology or are we simply adapting how we work and think to match […]


Reading time: 2 mins Well I didn’t get half the stuff I’d hoped to get done but made a start at the “Big Declutter”. Two bin bags for the skip, one for the charity shop and I’m not even halfway through. The whole thing has come about because of the big smile that now appears on the face of […]

12 + 12 = 24

Reading time: < 1 min Thank fuck I’m on holiday for the rest of the week. Two 12 hour days and I’m done in. So it was great to come home tonight and find a parcel of goodies waiting for me, specifically some yummy fudge (VERY yummy) and some salt water taffy! Now, I’ll happily admit that my only experience […]