The Great Blog Hope?

Reading time: 2 mins An open letter to SixApart. Dear TypeKey, You came promising much, the chance to be able to track myself across the comment boxes of the land, the opportunity to build relations and create networks. A unique insight to my self, my habits and passions. Ohh how you have failed me. Maybe I expected too much, […]

9rules Network

Reading time: 2 mins Back in April I mentioned that I was going to apply to join the 9rules network and my what a stooshie it caused: If people want to sell their souls to advertising or to networks, why not write for the paper press? The 9rules thing seems 180 degrees opposed to everything I love about blogging […]

Get a grip

Reading time: 2 mins “Good grip!” Isn’t it funny how the mind works, how seemingly trivial everyday comments open a little trapdoor in your brain allowing those little mental connections to trickle out. Take the title of this post as an example. Ring any bells for anyone? The first line is what my brain conjured up, can you name […]


Reading time: 2 mins Apparently “Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money.” according to Jules Renard. John Gruber over at Daring Fireball agrees and has kicked off another campaign to raise some funds to support his site. Whilst it’s certainly an issue to take stock of I’d venture that very […]

Ohh a navel!

Reading time: < 1 min Does blogging about your own site count as navel-gazing? Anyhoo… you may have noticed that the entries in the miniblog are getting longer. If you haven’t noticed let me state that “the entries in the miniblog are getting longer”.It started unconsciously but as with most things the habits we form and the way we use […]


Reading time: < 1 min Thundering at the window. Rain slams into glass. A million impacts. A staccato beat of tiny sharp flat… Ohhh bugger that, too tired to be creative… It’s chucking it down, blowing a gale and keeping me awake. Rather than lie in bed and wonder if that new dripping noise is a drip or, um, something […]