I was in Edinburghertown

Reading time: 2 mins I’m alive! Speaking of which, who sings that song? The one in the Five Alive advert with the Dodo? Anyone? CBATG… Having been and went and done Edinburgh on Sunday, I had planned to write up some blog posts but, alas, I’m old now and an entire day drinking takes an undue toll and leaves […]

The Presumption of Common Sense

Reading time: < 1 min If there is one phrase which should set off alarms in the mind of a technical writer it’s when a developer says “Ohhh but they wouldn’t use it like that…”. Because, as I’m sure you all know, they will. I am currently working with a few people to try and pull together a solid set […]

Going out

Reading time: 2 mins Quick house sale update: We had a viewer and they liked the house. They are waiting on receiving offers on their place though, but still, progress! Exciting! And other exclamation mark worthy statements!! One thing I’ve been starting to do over the past few months is get out more. Meet up with people, even just […]


Reading time: < 1 min I’ve been gamed. Or rather, I’m gaming myself. I’m fully aware this is happening, and yet I’m actually enjoying letting my behaviour be dictated by the simplest of mechanisms, a number displayed on a screen. The premise is simple enough, the higher the number the better. I started at about 44 and slowly rose, week […]

An honest to god miracle

Reading time: 2 mins Have I mentioned the tour of the brewery from last weekend? I don’t think I have. Was a company thing, a tour of the WEST brewery in Glasgow, which follows strict German brewing guidelines, followed by a BBQ of German meat products (and some salad stuff) and lots of free drinks. LOTS and LOTS of […]

TCUK10 – quick guide

Reading time: < 1 min This is an update to a previously published post. Not all of the sessions are scheduled yet, so I’ll update this as and when but, if you are wanting a quick print out of the session to, for example, convince your boss to splash some cash, then hopefully this PDF will do the trick: Technical […]