Recently Read

Reading time: 2 mins “Don’t know what I want, but I know how to get it” Jeff Patton revisits the basics of Agile development, and one section leapt out at me. Saying “shippable” to people in the customer role means implies they’d better get the requirements right because that’s the way Agile development works. Now, I believe Agile people […]

No Docs = No Product

Reading time: 3 mins What of agile documentation? It seems like such an old argument that surely, SURELY, doesn’t need revisiting? Alas it seems that the world of software engineering still contains those who think that code = product. Thankfully, in my experience, the numbers are thinning as most practitioners of modern software practices are at least educationally aware […]


Reading time: 2 mins It’s a little over one year since a changed jobs and I’ve loved every minute. I do miss one thing about the old place though, aside from the (most of) the people of course, the location. I spent a few years commuting by train into Glasgow city centre, and I must admit I miss the […]


Reading time: 2 mins Dentist this morning, a hygienist visit only thankfully (no I don’t floss enough, I know, I know) then the car goes into the garage this afternoon to get a bump stop replaced. I think. It may be two bump stops. I’m not sure. It’s under warranty and has something to do with the suspension. After […]

Trickle and Blink

Reading time: 3 mins “There is no such thing as too much information” We’ve all heard this statement at one time or another, and in the internet age it’s accepted as a statement of truth. Which is shame as it’s completely wrong. Turns out, that you only need enough information, not all of it. A while ago I wrote […]

Morning Time

Reading time: < 1 min I don’t consider myself a morning person but, truth be told, once I’m up and about I’m fine, it’s just that I don’t do it that often at the weekend. I am a champion at eeking out the last precious moments of cosy-bedness. So it was with no small degree of wonder that I found […]