Life is random

Looking for my thoughts about R.E.M. at Balloch? Try here.

A few random little thoughts to start the day.

The floods in Yorkshire are awful but are they yet another sign that our planet is changing?


I just can’t get into Big Brother this year and Anna manages to capture my thoughts perfectly. It’s because of the countless combustable combinations of cuntiness. Excellent. I hope Anna sleeps well – poor dear is on nightshift and suffering some awful late-night TV.


Some mornings I’ll happily suffer fools, other mornings it’s all I can do to restrain myself from knocking them in front of the train. But then he was an inconsiderate twat and deserved it. Allegedly.


Looking back it’s days like Saturday that make it all worthwhile, and I must try and remember how lucky I am to have friends like those.


Formula One Farce – best quote was Martin Brundle threatening to punch Michael Schumacher on the nose if he celebrated his win. Michael didn’t, he’s not THAT daft. The entire thing was a complete farce though, and I have to wonder how much flak Ferrari will avoid as it’s currently all directed at the FIA. Rightly so of course, and as someone said it was like watching a group of five year olds throwing temper tantrums, not a multi-million pound sport. And those poor fans, some flew from Panama and Mexico to be there. Awful, just awful.


When lightning strikes! Sunday morning at 8am, lying in bed at my parents house as we didn’t get back until 3.30am, we were both woken by a very VERY large crack of thunder and lightning. My Mum and sister both saw a yellow light flash down the hall, and my Dad saw the same in the living room. No damage but scary as hell, and certainly not the best way to be woken up!


The in-laws are back in the country so we’ll be heading through to see them this evening, and I’m quite looking forward to seeing them. Louise’s Mum is doing well, and hasn’t smoked or drank since her heart attack in January, she’s still on medication but is showing signs of getting back to normal. My father-in-law has cut back his smoking dramatically but it’s not bothered as at his last check up, the doctor was mystified at how healthy he was. Smokes all day, drinks all night, no exercise and likes his food, cholesterol is fine, lungs are fine, blood pressure a little high but it always has been. My theory is quite simple; the bugger is just too stubborn to let those warnings, about smoking and drinking too much, come true.


Big Blogger continues apace. Well at a pace at least, not sure what that is as it veers from sprinting to plodding from hour to hour. I know who I want to win but, as that bloke with the Geordie accent says, “You decide”.


And in case you are wondering why I’ve got a link at the top of this post to the post below this, well here’s why:
Google searches for R.E.M. gig review

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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