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Movie reviews from Metacritic
Took some time out tonight to head to the cinema to catch Howard Hughes story, The Aviator. Jolly good it was too (as Katharine was wont to say). The acting is delivered well, the pacing whilst slow in places pulls you through the movie at a comfortable speed and the whole thing just felt very very well done.
Almost in tribute to the perfectionist that Hughes was, the joy here is in the detail. The visual impact of the movie is well handled – moving from two tone Technicolor at the start through to full colour towards the end – as is the sound – the sequence when Hughes is eating lunch with Senator Brewster is aurally enough to make me slightly repulsed as Hughes is – and the special effects are so well handled that, for possibly the first time in a movie, I easily accepted them into the flow of the movie (I think that is a sign that whilst the eye can still tell when special effects are being used, we are becoming more accustomed to them and don’t jar as much as we used to… maybe).
Nominated for 11 Oscars and from what I could see they all deserve the nomination, particularly for Best Director and Best Cinematography. They might not all deserve to win one, mind you, but this is very much a film that is greater than the sum of it’s parts. Won’t be for everyone but if you enjoy a well made movie, catch this one.