So yeah, there is a new ‘Blogger’ but hey, what else is going on?
Well, to be honest… bugger all.
Worked on that site over the weekend and managed to bork the entire database. Caught up on some ‘recorded’ (ahem) viewing , suffice to say that this season’s 24 is getting very good – especially the 6am-7am episode! – and I can’t wait to ‘record (ahem) the last three episodes.
Aside from that didn’t really do much with the weekend, had planned to do some gardening but it never really happened.
On the work front… well let’s just say that I’m hiring for my team as my attempts to clone myself failed. Looks like a busy time over the coming weeks which means a quieter time here. Which in turns means I’ll post twice as much as usual, and be doubly active in the y’all’s comments, cos that’s the way it works.