I’ve been receiving some spam recently (not including Pink’s email which did raise a.. smile…).
I don’t normally read spam, but every now and then, I open one:
———– %< -----------
From: John [mailto:siygjohn@hotmail.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 13:58
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Recommendation
Hello Jennifer,
I hope I’ve got your email correctly.
OK, from our experience Accommodation Line has the most rewording affiliate program. They pay 8% commissions for each booking. Plus you get paid again when the person referred by you comes back and makes another booking! Here is the link:
Let me know what you think.
———– %< ----------- Jennifer?! WTF!!!
(Mind you, depending on how an 8% commission worked out, I could be a Jennifer for a while…)