Coming Attraction

Reading time: < 1 min 5 July 2002 Minority Report.Tom Cruise, Steven Speilberg, story based on a Philip K Dick short story. I think we can chalk this up as a ‘must-see’ (although if it has Tom Cruise in it I don’t usually get the choice, but I will admit he has been improving of late…).

Where are you?

Reading time: < 1 min Ohhh some new entries on my Guestmap: Pinky asks if she can nick a few ideas. I say steal away! – although I’d be interested in how you’d bribe me… πŸ˜‰ Seemingly Dogs Don’t Purr (but they do drink Martini’s). And Loose Logic sounds like my kinda logic!

Take a Stand

Reading time: < 1 min The UK police, the secret service, and the tax man can find out where you’re surfing. In August, so will the Post Office. If a new rule passes Parliament, over twenty government departments will be able to spy on your browsing without a warrant. Find out the facts. Fax your MP. Stop the order.

I hate Mondays

Reading time: < 1 min More specifically, I hate Mondays when I get up early, full of vigour for the dawning of a new day, marvel at the birds singing their morning song, and jump into the car to get to the gym before work. Leaving the house at 7 a.m. wasn’t a hardship this morning, as it was an […]


Reading time: 2 mins Busy day yesterday but still didn’t really make that big a dent in my to-do list.. sigh… oh well. Shopping for Father’s Day pressies today. My Dad will probably get a couple of tops, and Louise’s Dad will get a bottle of brandy and some cigars (same as always). The rest of the day will […]


Reading time: < 1 min Working at home today, which, as usual, is 1000 times more prolific than working in the office (even accounting for the fact I’m taking time out to watch the football at the moment, and I’ve phoned my Mum as well). By all accounts I’ve already acheived more than I do during an 8 hour day […]