Politically bent

Reading time: < 1 min Up and down, up and down, up and down. Simple enough and applies to several different ‘problems’ at the moment – most work related. Kinda a 2 steps forward, slight pause looking ahead then, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 .steps back (count ’em). I can solve some of the problems, the others […]


Reading time: < 1 min You know sometimes I just wish my brain would switch off. I also wish my creative juices would kick in, I’ve been bashing a WinAmp skin to death for the last week or so, and so far it looks like… looks like… hell I don’t even know what it looks like! That and the fact […]

Capaldi Ring

Reading time: < 1 min Did you have a good weekend? I most certainly did. If you are happy with that statement, feel free to ignore the following recap. Friday night, tried out Chili’s, a new pub, very nice, well done James, you said it was what Dumbarton needed and you were right! Drank too much Stella, had a laugh […]

On the Horizon

Reading time: < 1 min So, the weekend looms. Back is killing me, but beer will help me relax. Have a good one – see you Monday! (OK, ok, maybe Sunday night…..)

Good News

Reading time: < 1 min Our nephew has had several sessions of corrective surgery with no real degree of success. Until now. Finally we are seeing some results. Words can’t really express how happy we are, he’s been through a lot for a 14 year old, looks like the end is in sight.