Toss a coin

Reading time: < 1 min Life decisions are never easy and I think the one that lays ahead will be a no-brainer, still got me thinking though. I’ve mentioned elsewhere in (on?) this site that I admire people with courage and conviction and the right amount of carefree spirit. I’m not sure if I have it, to do what I […]


Reading time: < 1 min I’m not a huge gamer (as is evident by my pitiful attempts in deathmatch) but it is so much fun. Admittedly getting battered to death for the 5th time by someone with a crowbar can get a bit tedious, especially when you have a BIG gun, but it is addictive – an adrenalin buzz… suddenly […]

6 or 8?

Reading time: < 1 min I should really check, but I’m too darn lazy… did Alec Guinness have 6 or 8 characters in Kind Hearts and Coronets?

R.I.P. Sir Alec

Reading time: < 1 min Well we survived the weekend…just. Not that we had the best start to Monday morning, Sir Alec Guinness is no longer with us. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends. It is a true loss of a great character actor, and from all accounts, a great man. Oh and if you only know […]

Right again

Reading time: < 1 min 4 kids for the weekend. They are no hassle, but constant work. As my mother-in-law (who I get on with wonderfully as it happens) points out, when we have our own kids it will be different. And as I keep telling her – I know it will! Next week heralds one year at CADspace. Hhhmmmm, […]

New Sister

Reading time: < 1 min I have a new sister – my Mum has decided to sponsor a child in Mozambique. It works through a community programme (type of thing) so that the sponsorship(s) are spread around to all the children in the village. She has been wanting to do SomeTHiNG like this for a while. Nice one Mum! As […]