Windows 7 RC

Reading time: 3 mins Having installed the Release Candidate of Windows 7 a couple of days ago, I have to say I’m fairly impressed and it may even sway me to keep a Windows box in the future despite plans to move to Apple hardware/software completely. Let me tell you why.


Reading time: < 1 min ss001, originally uploaded by Gordon. Since I was asked, here is my current Windows XP desktop. I keep the desktop clean, it’s my “inbox” where things are then filed or moved. The taskbar fades out when the mouse ISN’T over it, and yeah Xentient Thumbnails to get the icon of an image to display as […]

No Docs = No Product

Reading time: 3 mins What of agile documentation? It seems like such an old argument that surely, SURELY, doesn’t need revisiting? Alas it seems that the world of software engineering still contains those who think that code = product. Thankfully, in my experience, the numbers are thinning as most practitioners of modern software practices are at least educationally aware […]

Trickle and Blink

Reading time: 3 mins “There is no such thing as too much information” We’ve all heard this statement at one time or another, and in the internet age it’s accepted as a statement of truth. Which is shame as it’s completely wrong. Turns out, that you only need enough information, not all of it. A while ago I wrote […]

Write the docs first

Reading time: 2 mins I’m currently pondering a proposal, suggesting to our Dev team that we write the user documentation first, and then use that as the basis of what the product should deliver. This wouldn’t work for everyone but given that an XP environment encourages little (well, less) documentation than a more traditional ISO style project, then having […]

Dilbert does it again

Reading time: < 1 min I really don’t know how Scott Adams manages to tap into these things, or is the software industry REALLY that similar the world over? Regardless suffice to say that, in our Extreme Programming (XP) development group (XP is a form of Agile development), todays’ Dilbert raised a bit of a chuckle: (click for bigger)