Uncle Huey says hi

Reading time: < 1 min As predicted I’m only now, at 7pm-ish, finally shaking off the hangover. Yesterday was a top day though, especially as the weather held and allowed us to sit out in the beer garden. Started at 2.30pm, was home by midnight. I think. The wife is insisting that she had to man-handle me up the stairs, […]

Forging ahead

Reading time: < 1 min My best mate is handing in his notice today and is off to startup his own company. I’d tell you what it is but I’m not 100% sure and it’s very specialised so I doubt you’d need his services anyway. He works in the Lighting industry (as in concert/stadium/T in the Park) and does clever […]

Uncle Huey

Reading time: < 1 min Great party. Bad hangover. Something to do with drinking for 11 hours. I could be wrong. You MAY get a pic or two once I get some sent to me. Went and forgot the camera didn’t I! Now, can someone please stop the room spinning.