Improve the experience

Reading time: 3 mins Recently, Tom suggested that: if someone can figure out how to make help whallop the user with wonder and awe, it will be the creative innovation of the century. Once we begin to establish a standard and a precedence, people’s beliefs will change from feeling that “all help is useless and unimportant” to “the help […]

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Reading time: 2 mins Christmas looms large, and the days are “fair drawing in” as they say in these parts. I’m taking a couple of weeks off to relax and recharge, and no doubt to eat, drink and be (very) merry. As ever this time of year is pretty hectic, so here are few things that caught my eye […]

Who do you write for?

Reading time: 3 mins I started this blog to have a separate place to write about my “professional” thoughts and I guess I thought I could maybe add a little value to the cluttered world of technical communications, or at the very least raise my profile a little. Yes, I have an ego, but it’s kept in check for […]

Jack of all trades Pt. 2

Reading time: 2 mins My name is Gordon McLean, I am a Technical Communicator* and I am proud to be a jack of all trades. I recall once being asked to breakdown all the skills required to be a Technical Writer, and then to provide a list of daily work tasks. The list of skills was to be used […]

Jack of all trades Pt. 1

Reading time: 2 mins My name is Gordon McLean, I am a Technical Communicator* and I am proud to be a jack of all trades. Working in the software industry, and particularly for a company that has embraced the XP development methodology, I have exposure to, and contact with, most of the other roles in the company. I talk […]

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Reading time: 3 mins Another week, another quick set of links. I really should start using one of these new fangled “social bookmarking” sites for this, shouldn’t I. Problem is I already have a account for personal use, and I like being able to add some thoughts about the links but it limits that slightly. In saying that, […]