There's nothing like a good book

Reading time: 2 mins We are off to Spain next week so there are some vital things to sort out. Namely what music to put on my iPhone (I’ve got Series 1 of The Wire on there already), and most importantly what books to take! I’ve got a Jeffrey Deaver and an Ian Rankin on standby and have just […]

The weekend that was

Reading time: 2 mins Friday was damp. Friday was wet. Friday was a pretty fucking good day mainly because a band called Radiohead was playing at Glasgow Green and, whilst it there was a light drizzle for most of the evening I really didn’t care. I was just happy to be there and listen to them blast their way […]

Remember to live

Reading time: < 1 min It seems I can’t avoid this blog post so I may as well crack on and see what falls out of my head. My father-in-law lives in small town in Spain and, as such, is part of a tight-knit ex-pat community over there. Early this week a man we’ve met a few times, and who […]

Spain was Spain

Reading time: 2 mins Peggy enquired how we got on in Spain last week and I guess I should mention it. Thing is it’s not really a holiday as such. It’s more a sojourn, or retreat, or… some other words that has the connotation of going somewhere warm and doing sweet fuck all. On holiday I like to do […]

The happy luddite

Reading time: 2 mins Pen in hand I pause, tongue creeping out over my bottom lip in concentration (a McLean trait), and try to remember what the hell it was that I was about to write down. I’ve been doing that for the past week or so, transcribing lists from notepad to notepad, striking out completed items with slightly […]

Grand Plans

Reading time: 2 mins Speaking to my Mum on the phone earlier, we both discussed the need to have a “good clear out”, something we’ll be forced into next month as we are getting a new kitchen fitted. What better time to declutter one room and try and build some momentum to carry into others. As we are getting […]