Reading time: < 1 min Tops of the Pops 3Troubled-Diva’s quest for the Top Decade continues.Right I must’ve missed a day somewhere cos this is two in one day for me… anyhoo, briefly:1. Status Quo – I’m a rocker not a fighter.2. Phil Collins – come on, you bopped to this when it came out, admit it.. (and with a […]


Reading time: < 1 min Tonight, tonight (damn Phil Collins again…or was it Genesis, and why am I getting such a sense of deja wotsit as I type this?). Gonna tidy up the re-design – it’s gone through 3 or 4 iterations, and is almost there. Just need to make it a better cleaner, and double-check all the styles and […]

Boycott the Pump

Reading time: < 1 min Well we’ve done our bit for the petrol boycott – have you? Tonight, tonight (Smashing Pumpkins, WAY before Phil Collins (or was it Genesis)) I will continue the oft mentioned re-design. Although as I didn’t get to sleep until 1 a.m. it might be a bit of a struggle…