ISTC West of Scotland Area Group meeting

Reading time: < 1 min The next ISTC West of Scotland area group meeting in Glasgow will take place on Thursday 16th February 2012, from 7.30 pm onwards. Come along to talk about latest news and trends in communication, or just to meet other communication professionals. The event is free and open to anyone interested in technical communication, such as […]

One step forward…

Reading time: 2 mins Firstly I’ll admit that I’m starting to feel a bit like a fool. I’ve been close to getting the new ISTC website launched for several weeks now, only for an subtle twist or unforeseen working process to scupper my plans. I realise now, of course, that what I should’ve done was revisit the usage models […]

Ho ho … ho?

Reading time: < 1 min It’s true. I’ve checked the calendar. Twice. It is definitely almost Christmas. Which means it’s almost the end of the year. How did that happen? I’m a bit disappointed that I’ve not yet managed to get the new ISTC website up and running. It’s close, so close, and after a few frustrating weeks of backtracking […]

On not blogging

Reading time: < 1 min A product release is imminent. A trip to visit two customers in the US of A. Ongoing complications with the new ISTC website (soon, soon!). Planning for 2012, including a major restructure of our content. Actual writing some documentation (a rare occurrence!). Plus all the usual things that life is wont to throw at us. Maybe […]

ISTC Area Group meeting – West of Scotland

Reading time: < 1 min Thursday 13th October, from 7.30pm, in Waxy O’Connors pub. The next ISTC technical communicators’ meeting in Glasgow will take place on Thursday 13th October 2011, from 7.30 pm onwards. I will be presenting a report from the Technical Communication UK 2011 conference. Come along to talk about latest news and trends in communication, or just […]


Reading time: 2 mins I recently attended the Glastonbury Festival and, despite the mud and mayhem around me, found myself pondering an issue that we have in our documentation set. Throughout the week I was at the festival I spent a lot of time consulting a map of the festival site, trying to figure out both where I was […]