Indiana Jones and the sunny weekend

Reading time: 2 mins Ahhhh what a nice Bank Holiday weekend that was. Visited my Mum for lunch, then popped into to see my Gran for a while before heading home before the rush started (catching the end of the Scottish Cup Final). Saturday evening and we were out with friends for dinner and a screening of the latest […]

Thank you, stroppy business-woman

Reading time: 2 mins Frustration is a terrible thing, particularly if coupled with self-importance. Take, for example, the stroppy business-suited blonde I encountered this morning. Let me set the scene: Monday morning trains are usually late/delayed/packed and arrive out of schedule, so it’s quite normal to arrive at the station and find a train has just rumbled underneath the […]


Reading time: 2 mins I’m a big fan of trilogies – The Godfather, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, The Matrix… emm.. and all the others (yeah Alien but I’ve only seen the first one) – so I’m looking forward to the Return of the King, the final instalment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. As […]


Reading time: < 1 min Wooossshhhhh. So that was the weekend. Saturday, in-laws, haircut, curry at friends. Sunday, my parents, shopping and two Indiana Jones movies (they just don’t make them like that anymore…). Back to Monday already… Funny atmosphere of people getting on with their day-to-day work without really being too sure of where it will lead. Maybe it’s […]

Spring cleaned

Reading time: < 1 min Tidy, neat and organised. Took some time away from this wretched machine to do a bit of tidying up. You know the type of thing, the stuff you keep saying you’ll do but never actually get around to, well we’ve done it. Mind you my desk could do with a clear out, I currently have […]