Why I am not quitting Facebook

Reading time: 4 mins Sometimes when I’m writing for this blog, it feels like there is a conspiracy going on to make me think about, and write about, a particular topic. So with that in mind I will happily concede that this post was inspired by Lipstick Lori (who is writing some great stuff at the moment!) writing about […]


Reading time: 2 mins I think English needs new words or, at the very least, some words that exist in other languages need to be adopted. As an example, look to schadenfraude. Schadenfreude is defined as “pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. Borrowed from German into English and several other languages, it is a feeling of joy that […]

10 Reasons my blog isn’t popular

Reading time: < 1 min My version of ’10 Productivity Tips’ would be ‘pick a system and use it, stop wasting time picking a system, most people just need a list of things that need done that day’. I write about me. My thoughts, my life. Narcissism central round here. I don’t stick to one topic. When I’m not writing […]

16 years of thanks

Reading time: 3 mins 16 years is a long time and I’ll admit I’ve been looking back at the history of this blog, reading old posts and finding that it’s a fairly accurate depiction of my own journey. Obvious, I know, but given that there is so much I don’t write about, the blog posts I have published act […]

16 years old

Reading time: < 1 min Every year this gets a bit scarier to admit. 16 years ago the internet was a small place, hand crafted HTML ruled the waves, and the surf was more a gentle swell than the tsunamis we now have to negotiate whenever we dip our toes. Even now I’m still not sure how much of this […]

Not my blog

Reading time: 2 mins When I first started writing short articles I had no real plan. At the time I was inspired by reading the things that others were publishing, it was early 1999 and personal websites were slowly on the rise. Reading those words, with the slow realisation that I could do it too, seemed like a new […]