Rose tinted

Reading time: < 1 min It’s funny, I always considered myself a pessimist, and whilst I certainly employ large doses of cynic it seems that I have a far more romantic view of the world than I realised. Maybe romantic isn’t the right word, let me put it another way. I day dream. A lot. I think that’s one part […]

Too hot, too cold, just right

Reading time: < 1 min I plonk myself down on the sofa. “Nope, not squishy enough” I plonk myself down on another sofa. “Ugh, too firm” I don’t plonk myself down on that sofa. “What a horrid shade of puce, looks like a Ribena berry has puked all over it” I plonk myself down on another sofa. “Ohh this is […]

World Cup of *Yawn*

Reading time: < 1 min It must be a false memory. Like that one where I’m still convinced that, when I was about 6, I used a toy phone to speak to my cousins in Dundee. I am still sure, to this day, that I did speak to them despite all evidence to the contrary. I’m nothing if not stubborn. […]

Chapter 6

Reading time: 4 mins He stands back and looks at the scene, a young man surveying the carnage of the broken man seated before him. Something doesn’t fit here, something isn’t quite right, misplaced or forgotten, he’s not sure which and knows that it is too late for such worries. A dull moan from the chair, scarlet red lines […]

And then… nothing

Reading time: < 1 min All quiet on the house front unfortunately. But I have been able to crack on with some website work and as always it’s great when the client is accomodating, helpful and all round just a nice guy. Say hi to (then go buy one of his books!). I’m also adding some functionality for a […]

One more blog

Reading time: < 1 min This blogging thing seems to be catching on, so much so that my company will soon have a blog looking at industry specific issues and thoughts. And yes, I’m one of the bloggers. I’ll link to it once it’s up and running (we are testing it at the moment) and provide a bit more information […]