
It was my Mum’s birthday on Saturday and thankfully it was a lovely day so the 20-odd people that turned up at the house could sit outside and enjoy the weather almost as much as each other’s company… or more… you can never tell.

We went to the Ubiquitous Chip for dinner, recommended, and after a long day we all crashed out early. Must be getting old.

Visited Louise’s sister, and her brother who is recovering from a knee operation, then got the matchsticks out, propped our eyes open and headed home. In bed early and I STILL don’t feel like I’ve had enough sleep – did have a nice dream about being kissed by a WNBA player (no specific one but she sure was pretty!) – but will have to get on as we are releasing two products day.

Coming later – a quick review of a book recommended to me by, um, Karen I think…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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