
I was going to write about sleep patterns as mine seem to have shifted, but someone’s done it already.

I was going to write about the History of Mother’s Day, but someone’s done it already.

So, instead I’ll write about the past couple of days.

Saturday morning didn’t start too well. I woke with a thumping headache and thought I was in for another migraine but thankfully a couple of painkillers put paid to that. Not that we had much planned but I really didn’t want to spend the day lying in a darkened room, trying not to throw up. And no, it wasn’t alcohol related.

Ohh and whilst I remember, I get a headache most Saturday mornings without fail, any ideas? I reckon it’s because I sleep longer and it’s related to my sleeping position.

The past few days have been slightly disjointed. I sit at a computer each day, and despite my best efforts to distract myself (book list anyone?) I end up sitting at a computer in the evening as well. In a similar fashion Louise has been working hard in the evenings, more on that later, so we both decided that on Saturday night we’d unplug and spend sometime with each other.

Unfortunately we chose to watch the remake of the Italian Job but that wasn’t really the point (lightly amusing but woeful script and delivery). Mind you, in retrospect, it was almost the perfect movie as it required absolutely no brain power at all, the perfect “switch off” movie perhaps?

And yesterday was Mother’s Day. We visited my Gran, who is still strong in mind even if her body is failing her, and met my family there. They came back for dinner and drinks and I even allowed my Mum to watch Coronation Street on my TV. Doesn’t happen often!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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